Careers Students
Welcome to The National Apprenticeship Shows / 23rd-24th November 2023
Welcome to The National Apprenticeship Shows
The National Apprenticeship Shows exist only to promote Apprenticeships and our message is clear – Apprenticeships work for both candidates and employers alike!
These FREE to attend events showcase all levels of Apprenticeships, from entry level all the way through to Higher and Degree. This offers visitors the opportunity to engage with each region’s top Employers, Colleges, Universities, and Training Providers in a face-to-face, interactive environment.
The National Apprenticeship Shows are the perfect opportunity for School and College leavers, as well as young adults, parents and carers, to discover more about Apprenticeships across the seven regions we cover in England.
If you’re a teacher from a School or College looking to bring a group of students, head to the ‘Group Registration‘ tab to book your group.
If you’re an individual wanting to attend, head to the ‘Register‘ tab to book.
These events reach more School and College leavers, parents, carers and individuals than any other event of its kind, so if you’re an Employer or Provider looking to promote your Apprenticeship offering and recruit for your programmes, why not exhibit at one or more of our events?
If you have any questions about visiting or exhibiting, do get in touch with the team on or 0203 858 7000.
Explore your education and training choices
Explore your education and training choices: Whether you know where you’re heading or not, knowing about the different routes open to you is a great place to start.
View all the different work and study choices available to you.
Career Fest is happening this month
The teams have been working hard to get together employers, educational services, and training providers all in one place to showcase to 16-18 year old’s (up to 25 years if you have an EHCP) what our city has to offer. So, if you’re leaving school, tried college and it wasn’t for you or need guidance on getting a job, come along and see how we can help!
Make 20th July, the day to figure out your future.
The National Apprenticeship Show – North West
Exhibition Centre Liverpool, King’s Dock, Port of Liverpool, Liverpool, L3 4FP
The National Apprenticeship Show covers all levels of Apprenticeships, from entry level to higher and degree. This FREE event offers visitors a chance to engage, face-to-face, with some of the regions top Apprenticeship employers and providers.
Opening Dates & Times:
Thursday 23 November 2023 10:00 – 14:30
Friday 24 November 2023 10:00 – 14:00
Parents/Carers/Individuals Dedicated Evening Opening:
Thursday 23 November 2023 15:30 – 18:00
Booking in advance for this FREE event will be essential: Register to attend here-
The National Apprenticeship Show – North West is the perfect event for School and College leavers, as well as young adults, to discover more about Apprenticeships across the North.
Taking place at the Exhibition Centre Liverpool, this event welcomes visitors and Exhibitors from across Liverpool, Merseyside, Cheshire, Greater Manchester, Wrexham and Lancashire.
Our events exist only to promote Apprenticeships and our message is clear – Apprenticeships work for both candidates and employers alike!
FREE Careers Webinar
As part of the Summer term career webinars for young people, their parents and careers, this Wednesday night’s FREE Careers Webinar is all about absolutely SMASHING your University, Apprenticeship or job interviews.
It will cover:
- All the stuff you need to do beforehand – prepare like an absolute LEGEND !
- What questions to ask??? ….and how to make sure you ask them.
- How to SELL in your skills from your Saturday job……and when to do it.
- Why your hobbies/interests/downtime stuff are SUPER-IMPORTANT
- What to take to the interview and how to use it.
- How to finish the interview…and what to do when you get home
Click the link to book online
If you have any other questions relating to careers, please give Lisa Pover, Career Lead at the school an email or call or you can contact our schools careers adviser, Nicola Leamey, direct at 07896803577.
What to do after you leave Year 11?
What to do after you leave Year 11? Have you thought about attending university? What you study at sixth form or college can affect your options at university and your future career.
Use the website, Informed Choices, to help you understand which subjects open up different degrees, particularly at Russell Group universities, one being the University of Liverpool
LCR Careers in Gaming – Parent/Carers Edition
This session will be suitable for parents, carers and young people wanting to find out more about careers in the gaming industry.
Will be be joined by local companies including: Avalanche Studios, d3t, Lucid, Ripstone, Scenegraph Studios, Skyhookgames, Universally Speaking and Wushu Studios.
30 Mar 2023 / 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Free. Register here