FREE Careers Webinar

As part of the Summer term career webinars for young people, their parents and careers, this Wednesday night’s FREE Careers Webinar is all about absolutely SMASHING your University, Apprenticeship or job interviews.

 It will cover:

  • All the stuff you need to do beforehand – prepare like an absolute LEGEND !
  • What questions to ask??? ….and how to make sure you ask them.
  • How to SELL in your skills from your Saturday job……and when to do it.
  • Why your hobbies/interests/downtime stuff are SUPER-IMPORTANT
  • What to take to the interview and how to use it.
  • How to finish the interview…and what to do when you get home

Click the link to book online

If you have any other questions relating to careers, please give Lisa Pover, Career Lead at the school an email or call or you can contact our schools careers adviser, Nicola Leamey, direct at 07896803577.