Assessment 2021
The assessment of pupil progress is an integral element of learning and teaching and done throughout the year. We ensure that we collect, analyse, utilise, share and evaluate our assessment data with pupils and parents through our termly reports and parent afternoons. This helps to provide a picture of each pupils’ progress and achievements and enables us to identify the next steps in learning. We have 3 data pulls throughout the year, followed by parents afternoons to discuss with staff the progress made.
Progress 8 score Well below average-2.75
A pupil is considered to have entered for the English Baccalaureate if they entered for qualifications in English, maths, sciences, a language and either history or geography.
School |
Liverpool (local authority) |
England all state schools |
Entering EBacc |
0% |
31% |
40% |
Staying in education or entering employment
This shows the number of pupils who either stayed in education or went into employment after finishing key stage 4 (after year 11, usually aged 16).
School |
Liverpool (local authority) |
England all state schools |
Staying in education or entering employment |
27% |
93% |
94% |
Grade 5 or above in English & maths GCSEs
This tells you the percentage of pupils who achieved grade 5 or above in English and maths GCSEs.
School |
Liverpool (local authority) |
England all state schools |
Grade 5 or above in English & maths GCSEs |
0% |
36% |
43% |
Attainment 8 score
Schools get a score based on how well pupils have performed in up to 8 qualifications.
School |
Liverpool (local authority) |
England all state schools |
Attainment 8 score |
1.2 |
43.1 |
46.7 |
EBacc average point score
The EBacc average points score calculates a pupil’s average point scores across the 5 pillars of the English Baccalaureate.
0.0 83.6 34.07