SEN Governor: Miss Odette Jones (Safeguarding Governor)
Contact: Phone – 0151 228 9500
Local Offer
Our Commitment:
- To promote a positive learning environment that challenges, supports and celebrates every pupil’s achievements through an inclusive academic and pastoral curriculum.
- To enable all pupils to become part of our school community irrespective of their individual needs.
- To recognise the value of each pupil and their potential to progress in all areas when individual needs are addressed.
- How will I be involved in discussions about and planning for my child’s education?
If your child has been allocated a place at Clifford Holroyde Specialist SEN College, parent(s) and carer(s) are invited to an admissions meeting with Kate Garrett DSL and the Parenting Liaison Officer, at this point you will be offered a tour of the school.
During your child’s placement at Clifford Holroyde all parent(s)/ carer(s) are provided with weekly phone calls home to inform you of your child’s academic and behavioural progress during the school week, and parent afternoons to support how your child’s placement is progressing.
You can contact Clifford Holroyde Parenting Liaison Officer at any time and arrange a meeting if you require so.
You can arrange to meet with your child’s form tutor, subject teacher and any of Clifford Holroyde’ SLT at any time during your child’s placement.
When your child is approaching KS5 and his placement at Clifford Holroyde is coming to an end, a meeting will be arranged with our Engagement Programme Manager (Mr C Pover), the Head Teacher/ SENCO and Tutor who will support you with choosing an appropriate further educational provision for your child.
- How will school staff support my child?
After analysing information from your child’s previous school, EP advice and EHC documentation the Learning Support Assistants, Pastoral Staff and subject teachers will create an IEP to support your child’s learning and or behavioural needs.
Appropriate targets are set for all pupils and are periodically monitored and reviewed to ensure you and your child is kept up to date with progress made.
The school SENCO, DSL and Parenting Liaison Officer will also continually liaise with you and help identify appropriate outside agency support that they feel may help support your child’s education and wellbeing……………………..
Click here to download the Clifford Holroyde Local Offer in full: